Vue. js is a progressive framework for JavaScript used to build web interfaces and one-page applications. Not just for web interfaces, Vue. js is also used both for desktop and mobile app development with Electron framework.

Vue.js was created by Evan You in 2014 and is currently maintained by him and various other community members on GitHub.

Vue. js is a progressive framework which means that you can use it incrementally: you can start building your project with Vue. js on the frontend side without rewriting the entire project. This feature makes it perfect for projects in which you need to gradually rewrite your codebase over time to take advantage of Vue features and patterns, but at the same time do not want to spend too much time on rewriting your existing codebase.

Vue Core

The core library is focused on the view layer only and is very easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects. On the other hand, Vue is also perfectly capable of powering sophisticated Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries.

What is Vue. js used for?

Vue. js is a progressive framework for JavaScript used to build web interfaces and one-page applications. Not just for web interfaces, Vue. js is also used both for desktop and mobile app development with Electron framework.

Vue. js combines the best of Angular and React, which means it has an intuitive API and a versatile ecosystem of supporting libraries. It’s also simple to learn, as it possesses a gentle learning curve, compared to other frameworks.

The most common use cases include:

Web development with VueJS

Mobile app development with Cordova and PhoneGap

Desktop application development with Electron framework

What are the benefits of using VueJS?

Here are some of the benefits of using Vue JS:

It’s easy to use and learn – no knowledge of JavaScript is required to use VueJS. The API is simple and straightforward, so you can start developing your application right away without having to worry about big frameworks or libraries that might slow you down. Moreover

What are some benefits of VueJS?

Although there are many JavaScript frameworks on the market today, what makes Vue. js stand out is its adaptability to different projects. Its small size allows it to be integrated into an existing project or work as a library in a larger project alongside other libraries such as jQuery or Lodash. It’s also highly adaptable because it can function as a web application framework capable of powering advanced single-page applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries